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Image worm - Software for image hack:

Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 by Fyaz Ahmad in

Image worm - Software for image hack:

Image worm is software to hack image on victim computer which scans victim computer for all images and replaces his all images with your sent image. Thus, his all images will be replaced by your sent image.. image hack accomplished.

1. Download Image worm software for image hack.


Password: techotips.blogspot.com

2. Download Winzix (free download here) to get Image Worm software.

3. Run Image Worm.exe file to get something like this:

4. Now, select any image on your computer, which you wanna use to replace on victim computer. The victim computer's images will be changed to this image.

5. When you've selected one, hit on "Build Worm" and Image worm will create server.exe file in current directory.

Note: Don't run this server on your computer. I don't know how to nullify the image hack created by image worm. So, if you wanna test it on your computer, use Deep freeze software and then try out this image hack.

6. Now, bind this server with Binder software. Bind it with .mp3 file (for better results). I have scanned the server and found this server FUD. So, no need to crypt this server with Crypter to bypass antivirus detection.

7. Now, when victim will open this binded file on his computer, Image worm server will scan his computer for available images and replace all these images with its own image. Thus, his all images will be replaced by your selected image.

7.a. Before Image Worm server installation:

7.b. After Image worm server installation

Thus, his each image on his computer hack. Thus, you are now able to hack images on his computer with your own.

Note: If you're running Image worm server on your computer, wait for certain time for server to do it's work. Also, on some computers, this server is found hacking only images in "Pictures" and "Sample Pictures" folder. So, its working varies.


  1. Unknown says:

    i want to hack someone account

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